Wednesday, January 12, 2011

first complete week!

our first week is over! and a long week it has been. this place really is starting to feel life home now. im sure i'll go thru all that home-sickness shit later on, but im really good at NOT missing home. lol. its actually 7:30 am here; i have trouble sleeping past 5 am and jake gets cranky when i bug him so i thought i would get up and be productive with my life. yesterday i made us a huge salad for the rest of the week, cut up a ton of veggies to pack in our lunches (yes, we pack our lunches. isnt it precious?) and made jake breakfast all before 7. i also ate a bowl of rice for breakfast somewhere in there while talking to carly podbielski (^_^) the only one i know with as rando sleep schedules as me. yesterday we had class until about 3 pm, it wouldnt be so bad if we got to switch rooms. we're in the same room for 4 hours straight...needless to say it gets hard to focus. but afterward we got to take a tour of...i forget the name but its the american equivalent of the white house. we didnt know that the (i cant spell it but i can pronouce it) T-shock (it means like chief or leader in Irish) would be forced into questioning WHILE we were there. i guess it was some huge bank scandal that took a LOT of money, like 85 billion euro, from the Irish people, sky-rocketed their national debt, and basically ran the country back into the recession that they just pulled out of. (sounds familiar to us americans, doesnt it?) we actually got to see the court thing, it took about an hour and a half. some people were falling asleep but i thought it was super interesting. our FIE leader (FIE is the program i went through to come here) Genevieve said that it was the same as when clinton was forced to be questioned by congress. kind of a big deal to the irish people, and i though it was so cool that we were there to be a part of it and see it. i have a housing meeting today at 9:40; jake wanted me up at 8 for it. PHEW good thing i have an hour and 40 minutes to prepare! i guess living in dorms is the same in every country. today we have class again and might go out tonight, as we have no classes on friday here. EVER. so nice. im really, REALLY going to try to make my schedule to only have class two days a week. *fingers crossed* i also skyped lina yesterday and kelly a couple days ago, it was so nice to see my lovers faces. now to get my BUD girls online....
anywho, i guess we're all going balls-to-the-wall crazy on saturday, this irish kid paddy is taking us to actual clubs and not just pubs. im. excited. i may be flat broke by the end of the month. this creepy old buddy at the pub on monday called me over, told me i had "beautiful breasts" then asked me to send a picture to his phone of them. YEAH, lemme get right on that. LOL it was funny tho. he didnt even buy me a drink! i was like....lookin aint fo free!. haaaa, but seriously. my foot is SO much better than it was, it bruised and swelled up outta nowhere on...sunday? yeah sunday. it hurt. SO MUCH. but the swelling went down and i ace-bandaged it up, and its almost completely better. its hard to "stay off" an injured limb when you have to walk about 3 miles a day! its all good, its better so jake doesnt have to hear me complaining about it anymore.
im going to have start talking to my other soon-to-be international students, i want to start planning my trips to other places. through my program we're going all over the country, but no where else. i aint just staying here!
alright well, its almost time for a thursday in dublin to begin. ima make some breffess (breakfast) for bunny and me...tata!

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